

Statistics Colloquium
February 14, 11 a.m.
Alavi Commons Room, 6625 Everett Tower

Data Science Ethics and Web Scraping

Hyun Bin Kang
Department of Statistics
Western Michigan University

With the ability to process larger and more complex datasets than ever before, there are increasing concerns about ethical issues in big data. We will discuss issues like privacy, algorithmic fairness, and societal consequences.

The second part of the talk will be about web scraping. Web scraping methods allow us to extract data from the web. Functions and examples of web scraping using R will be presented.

Hyun Bin Kang is assistant professor in the Department of Statistics and an advisor of the data science program. Her research interests include functional data analysis, shape analysis, and high-dimensional modelling.

All statistics graduate students are expected to attend.


Colloquium schedule

Past colloquiums


Department of Statistics
3304 Everett Tower
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5152 USA
(269) 387-1420 | (269) 387-1419 Fax