

Statistics Colloquium
September 28 (Fri) 11 a.m.
Alavi Commons Room, 6625 Everett Tower

R Graphics, An Introduction

J.C. Wang
Department of Statistics
Western Michigan University

R is an open-source, cross-platform statistical programming language. One of the many strengths of R is its extensive array of powerful graphical tools. In this talk, selected graphical tools will be introduced. For example, how do you present a power function graphically? How do you graphically illustrate the elements of a test of hypothesis? How do you create histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, scatterplot matrix, etc.?

All statistics students are expected to attend.


Past colloquiums


Department of Statistics
3304 Everett Tower
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5152 USA
(269) 387-1420 | (269) 387-1419 Fax